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Team Game: Developers 19

Made in Unity

3D Open Word Survival

Development Time: DNF


Project Centauri was an unfinished game in which the player is a crashed landed astronaut who has returned to Earth after almost all life has collapsed due to natural disaster. They have to forage for materials to survive in the world as they try to piece together what happened.


The player eventually discovers that the end of the world was brought on by humanity capturing the spirits of the world. In order to save the world and reverse damage, the player has to find the spirits and release them back into the world.






This game was a summer project in which I worked as Product Owner and Lead Designer. The overall team size was 19 other individuals as well as 3 other designers.


Due to both the size of the team and the game, a lot of documentation needed to be done to make sure the overall team had a unanimous idea of the overall game concept. To best succeed in this, I and the other designers developed a "design bible" that featured all the games mechanic and components so that everyone could read through and understand what was going on.



Details for a diegetic player backpack


Details for boat physics and sailing systems

As we worked on the design bible, we developed a pipeline for implementing new design concepts. With over 4 different designers over the course of the project we organized weekly design meetings to discuss ideas. I specifically pulled issues from the other discipline meetings (both art and programming) so that during the design meeting we would have anb idea of where the project was currently at and what needed  fixing,  redefining, or if something needed to be scrapped entirely. This helped us stay on track for the project and benefit from a more concise vision of the game.

To review the Design Bible yourself, click this link.

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